The working principle of the plate heat exchanger consists, in summary, of a closed chamber through which pipes, including pipes and other fluid paths, circulate, allowing a liquid to circulate in the other without mixing. Pipe walls should generally be made of stainless steel. A plate heat exchanger is a compact type of heat exchanger that uses a series of thin plates to transfer heat between two fluids. There are four main types of gasketed, brazed, welded, and semi-welded. Welded plate heat exchangers are similar to Gasketed plate heat exchangers, but instead the plates are welded together. They are extremely durable, and are ideal for transferring fluids with high temperatures or corrosive materials. Semi welded plate heat exchanger works exactly the same as typical gasket plate heat exchanger. The main difference is, a couple of plates are laser welded with O-ring at portholes between the plates. One fluid flowing through the inside of the cassettes and the other fluid flowing on the outside of the cassettes. In the food and beverage industry, plate heat exchangers are used for pasteurization, sterilization, and cooling of products like milk, juices, and sauces. - They are also employed for heating or cooling water for various food processing applications. When the two objects are kept isolated from the environment in a heat resistant box, the heat lost by the hot object is equal to the heat gained by the cold object and the heat transfer happens still the temperature of both the objects becomes equal . This is called as the principle of heat exchange. Heat exchangers are used to transfer heat from one medium to another. These media may be a gas, liquid, or a combination of both. The media may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or may be in direct contact. Flow through a plate heat exchanger may be parallel, cross or counter. Plate heat exchangers usually use counter flow as this is the most efficient type of flow for heat transfer. Counter flow is sometimes known as contra flow Depending on the specific application and requirements, these waste heat recovery unit exchangers can take various forms, such as shell-and-tube, plate-and-frame, or finned-tube heat exchangers. Specially designed sealing gaskets located between the plates direct the fluids so that the hot and cold fluids pass counter-currently in alternating channels. When the fluid enters between the plates, it passes over the distribution area. Heat Exchanger gaskets are more compressible than sole-metal corrugated types and offer better compensation for flange irregularities when high pressures are to be sealed. By implementing the use of a plate heat exchanger, energy can be transferred between two fluids at different temperatures. This improves efficiency through heat transfer. The energy already in the system can be transferred before it leaves the system. Although the principals of Plate Heat Exchangers are very similar to Shell and Tube the construction is very different. Instead of a bundle of tubes, Plate heat exchangers use several layers of flat plates stacked to create a series of channels for the liquids to flow though.