Plate Heat Exchanger

Welcome to the most comprehensive range of plate type heat exchangers in the industry. Wide range of plates enable us to offer an optimally sized heat exchanger with an excellent price-performance ratio and low lifecycle cost. Our Plate Type Heat Exchangers are proven to deliver designed performance in applications involving liquids, gases, steam and other two-phase fluids.
PHE product program includes 35 plate sizes with connection sizes from DN15 to DN550.All plate sizes are available in high and low theta versions. Additionally, many plate sizes are available in multiple corrugation depths. By using exchanger plates with different physical characteristics, the exchangers can be adapted to a wide variety of applications and fluids (low or high viscosity, clean liquid or fluid with suspended particles/ fibre).
Laser welded plates are also available for semi welded plate heat exchangers as well as double wall Plate Heat Exchangers.
Heat transfer plates are available in SS304, S316L, SMo254, Titanium Gr 1 and Gr 11, Nickel 200/201, Hastelloy c276, C2000. Gaskets are available in Nitrile (NBR), Hydrogenated NBR (HNBR), EPDM, FKM, Neoprene (CR), PTFE etc.

The heating and cooling fluids pass through the channel created by corrugated heat transfer plates and specially designed gaskets. The corrugations and numerous contact points create a turbulent flow which increases heat transfer coefficient manifold as compared to conventional shell and tube heat exchangers. The turbulent flow also provides a 'self-cleaning effect' in fouling duties.
The video shows fluids flowing in diagonal flow. This type of flow uses heat transfer area more effectively. We also offer PHEs in parallel flow which have advantages of simpler pipe connections!

Salient Construction Features
Gasket Fixing
Most of our plates can be offered with glueless or glued gaskets. Both type of fixing has its unique advantages. Hygienic PHEs are always supplied with glueless gaskets and large PHEs are always with glued gaskets for ease of mounting plates
Special Frame Designs
- 2 stage PHEs with more than 2 fluids per PHE
- Multi Pass Designs for applications requiring long thermal length or close approach temperatures
- Heat Exchanger Skids
- Heat Exchanger with insulation or metal covers and drip tray.
- CE, PED., ASME designs available on request. Third Party Inspections accepted

- Various connections can be supplied to suit an application
- PHE with connections modified to match an existing PHE of another make. This is necessary in some plant locations where hot welding work is not permitted and customer wants to replace an old PHE with a new one.

PHE Applications
- Sulphuric Acid Cooling
- Solvent Condensers
- Chlor-alkali Plants
- Liquor Heating and Cooling
- Distilleries / Ethanol Plants
- Cane Juice Heating
- Paint Shops
- Induction Furnace Cooling
- Vegetable / Edible Oil, Solvent Extraction Plants
- Hydraulic Oil Cooling, Hydraulic Presses
- Gear Box Oil Cooling
- Compressor Oil Coolers
- Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
- Condensate Heat Recovery Systems
- Closed Circuit Cooling Water Systems
- Milk and Beverage Cooling
- Ammonia Condensers and Evaporators/Chillers
- High Frequency Welders

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